OHEAA Board Minutes - 12/16/2024
Board Members: Michael Swanson, Susie Dutcher, Billy Grady, Kelly Zoschke, Erin Gerlt, Craig Wilson, James McKay
Present via text: Michael Swanson, Susie Dutcher, Billy Grady, Kelly Zoschke, Erin Gerlt, Craig Wilson, James McKay
Review/approve previous minutes
James moved to approve previous minutes; Michael seconded the motion. All voted yes; the motion passed.
Athletic Director Report
There were a couple of complaints from HS girls’ families. Billy will meet with those parents and address concerns this week.
Discussion of athletes playing up policy
Secretary Report
Parent handbook (Kelly will start on that.)
Old Business
Volleyball Update
1 person applied to help lead (The Board will meet with them after the New Year.)
Spirit Wear Update
James has tried to contact Tim from Rainbow Creations but has not heard back from him.
James is going to continue to reach out to get an updated invoice.
New Business
Building funding update
Although we do not have any details yet, we have a couple of investors looking to possibly do the entire Jarman facility for us. We also have a possible renter for the remaining part of the facility that we would not be using.
Minutes submitted by Secretary, Kelly Zoschke