OHEAA Board Minutes - 11/18/2024

Board Members: Michael Swanson, Susie Dutcher, Billy Grady, Kelly Zoschke, Erin Gerlt, Craig

Wilson, James McKay

Present: Michael Swanson, Susie Dutcher, Billy Grady, Kelly Zoschke, Erin Gerlt, Craig Wilson,

James McKay

Review/approve previous minutes

  • Michael motioned to approve minutes from the previous meeting; Susie seconded the motion.

    • The motion passed.

Athletic Director Report

  • Billy sends schedule updates/changes to Craig and Erin, and they make those changes.

Treasury Report

  • Erin is making a spreadsheet to track earnings from the gate and concession for each game.

Old Business

  • Volunteer signups

    • Susie will delete book, clock, and video slots from Signup Genius for JV/V Boys; Kelly will make sure those spots are covered. Once a week, Susie will download the volunteers who signed up before deleting old games from Signup Genius. James will put these into an excel spreadsheet for us to track volunteers.

New Business

  • HS Boys’ Game Ball

    • It was approved for the HS boys to get a new game ball due to theirs being slick.

  • JH/JV Girls

    • Billy will talk with Amy and Jamie to make sure everyone is on the same page about older JH girls playing JV on an as needed basis.

  • JH Destiny Tournament confusion

    • Billy will issue an apology to the CHA AD.

  • Spirit wear update

    • We are still unsure of how much we have made and where the documentation is. Erin has asked for spreadsheets and/or the jot form login info. but has not received either. James will ask for login info and give to Craig to make a spreadsheet for Erin. James will also get the original invoice and updated invoice from the t-shirt company.

  • Volleyball issue

    • Two volleyball committee members stepped down and voiced their concerns via email. The third member also sent an email and eventually stepped down herself. We will let volleyball families know what positions are open for the volleyball committee and ask for those interested to contact us. We then plan to meet with each candidate to help volleyball set up their committee again.

Minutes submitted by Secretary, Kelly Zoschke


OHEAA Board Minutes - 12/5/2024


OHEAA Board Minutes - 10/21/2024